Workpackage no. 1

The DANCERS metadatabase – Work package 1

The main objective of the DANCERS metadatabase was (and still is) to gather all existing information about projects and programmes (and their results) regarding water management issues in the Danube region over the last 20 years.

The database was designed not only having in mind the objectives of WP1, but more specifically the tasks that need to be performed under the following work packages. For the assessment of the significant amount of information under WP2, the identification of strengths and weaknesses, links and gaps, the gathered data has to be prepared and analysed in a fundamental and proper way. The main purpose of the DANCERS metadata base therefore is

  • to provide structured information for the assessment of the collected projects,
  • to improve access to the gathered data and
  • to promote the sharing of obtained knowledge.

The metadatabase was built with the help of the free and open source software geoNetwork and is accessible via:
Feel free to login as guest  and browse the projects we have gathered so far:

  • USERNAME: guest
  • PASSWORD: dancers

Work Package 1 now is completed, but the metadatabase stays open for further entries and remains active even after the project end in 2015.


  • Mapping of national, EU and international projects/programmes/initiatives (including results) related to research and innovation in the fluvial – deltaic – coastal environments within the Danube – Black Sea Macrosystem
    Within this WP it will be gathered all the existing information about science-related efforts and results at all levels (national, regional, European International organizations) in water management based on the River basin Management Plan (ICPDR 2009) and closely linked to the three main domains: life sciences (including environmental aspects); earth sciences; and socio-economics. The focus will be on results coming directly from programmes dedicated to Research and Innovation but not exclusively; results will also be sought from other programmes that have made best use of science to develop innovative solutions for the Danube Region society. The deliverables will also help identify the situation existing in the Danube River – Delta – Black Sea versus the state of the art in integrated management of European river-delta-sea systems.